"In the mind of man lies the secret of his ability to resist, to conquer and finally to govern the circumstance of his life,
and only by the discovery of that secret will he ever be able to realize completely the perfect condition of 'mens sana in corpore sano'."
F.M. Alexander
Alexander Technique – moving with ease
The Alexander Technique is suitable for all of us and is a health-promoting method for preventing discomfort, pain and helps to cope with stress.
It helps us to unfold our own potential and to expand our scope of life.
Alexander Technique - the practical application in everyday life
We humans walk and sit, we frown and discuss intensively. We work in front of the screen, carry loads, need tools, run onto the train. We do sports and make music. We plan and hurry. We hold our breath or laugh. We move all day long. Automatically and unconsciously, we often waste power and energy unnecessarily in everyday life. We have become so accustomed to our tensions that they feel normal.
Why Alexander Technique
Thinking habits become established in the body and unconscious behaviour patterns influence the balance. With the Alexander Technique we begin to observe ourselves and explore our own reactions to stress or pain. We become more aware of thoughts, movements, feelings and behaviour. The Alexander Technique shows us a way to live naturally upright and without effort.
What does Alexander Technique teaching do
Anyone can learn to behave and move in a balanced way.
The Alexander Technique wants:
to be attentive to the body in case of tense neck, headache, backache and back pain, after an accident or illness and in case of stress
to use our body sensibly - when sitting, standing, walking, carrying, playing music, doing sports, etc.
to promote an alert awareness of mental and spiritual well-being
to initiate a process which supports learning and concentration
instead of treating symptoms to treat the cause of muscle tension so that it does not lead to postural and breathing problems
The Alexander Technique is a developmental process for the whole person. It comprehensively involves body, soul and spirit and teaches how to increase physical performance and personal quality of life for a more harmonious balance.
How do we do what we do
Habitual reactions happen quickly and unconsciously, often automatically and stereotypically. The Alexander Technique teaches us to recognize these habits and shows that we can decide for ourselves whether we want to maintain, leave out or change such habits.
It is not about the 'right' posture or way of moving, but about the appropriate and natural use of energy in our activities. Spontaneity can develop if we succeed in letting go of interfering patterns.
The Alexander Technique is a throughout practical experience.
It is a learning process that continues in everyday life.
For whom is the Alexander Technique suitable?
Whether you are a family woman or dancer, office administrator or construction worker, wheelchair user or tennis pro, child or adult - the Alexander Technique can be learned and applied by all people of all ages.
An interesting effect is achieved by the readiness to perceive habitual reactions to stimuli, to give them up and to consciously invite new responses to be experienced.
The Alexander Technique can help to achieve physical ease, strengthen self-confidence and improve personal well-being.
This technique has also proved successful with some health problems. The AT can be used, as a health-promoting method, for example to prevent diseases, discomfort and pain and problems with joints, tendons and ligaments.
Many health insurance companies in Switzerland contribute to the costs of the lessons as part of their supplementary insurance policies.
The Alexander Technique is of great benefit both at work and in leisure time.
At many music and drama academies it is an integral part of the curriculum.
Who founded the Alexander Technique
Frederick Matthias Alexander began a successful career as an actor but was soon confronted with great breathing problems: his professional future was endangered.
The unusual story of the founder of the Alexander Technique, born in Tasmania in 1869, began with this existential challenge.
He persistently pursued the causes of his suffering and developed a method on the basis of experiential science that would enable a balanced, natural 'use of the self'.
With the application of this method his breathing and voice problems disappeared.