“If the mechanical principal employed is a correct one, every movement will be made with a minimum of effort.”
F.M. Alexander

Rosa Luisa Rossi
My passion is to explore the complexity between personal development and human well-being. I teach the Alexander Technique in private and group lessons, in health promotion in companies and in executive leadership Trainings in IMD International Management Development, Lausanne/Switzerland
In addition, I regularly organize workshops and holiday courses in Switzerland and abroad. I often combine the knowledge of the Alexander Technique with the practice of other activities such as horseback riding, tennis, tango, singing, playing music, painting and the Japanese tea ceremony, always in close cooperation with experienced teachers from the other disciplines.
My special interest is the process of conscious seeing and the natural use of the eyes. I also offer my knowledge during individual sessions, in group and holiday courses as well as during the health promotion at the working place in companies and in trainings with executive leaders.
With a group of music teachers I worked for a long time on the question of how the principles of the Alexander Technique can be applied in their teaching practice.
I deepen and broaden my teaching skills through regular workshops and numerous teaching series in Europe, the USA and Japan.
I have been involved in the Swiss Professional Association of Teachers of the Alexander Technique (SBAT) for many years and was chairman of this association from 1994 to 1996.
I was also co-director of the 8th International Alexander Technique Congress, with 650 participants, which took place in Lugano in August 2008.
Since October 2019 I am Co-Chair of the Alexander Technique International: www.alexandertechniqueinternational.org
I lead workshops in German, English, French and Italian.