Highschool Teacher
"Alexander Technique helps me in everyday life to pause, to stop, to perceive my body, the space and the events around me consciously and at the same time to include attention on what I am doing in this moment. In this way I can, for example, release physical tensions, reduce stress and strengthen my presence. All of this is very beneficial to me, especially in my profession as a teacher, and what I like about Rosa Luisa's lessons is that she is very flexible and can respond to my needs. She gives me simple ideas which I can implement immediately and whose positive effects can be experienced immediately. In addition, I can always sense Rosa Luisa`s enthusiasm for the Alexander Technique and how she is constantly developing her teaching."
Stefanie Kahmen
University manager
"An hour with Rosa Luisa Rossi is always an inspiring, surprising journey into the understanding and perception of my body.”
Kurt P.
Attorney in Zurich
“Rosa Luisa has opened a new world to me with her instructions on the Alexander Technique. I learned an easier and more relaxing way of using my body, which has accompanied me ever since. And I got rid of my neck problems soon and permanently. Rosa Luisa is a cheerful, very motivating and experienced therapist.”
Sebastian Graf
Publisher representative
“For many years I have had the privilege of receiving lessons from Rosa Luisa Rossi.
There has always been something to learn, to deepen and to have the opportunity to connect with the immense variety of the Alexander Technique styles.
Over the decades Rosa Luisa has acquired a huge pool of knowledge and skills that are characterized by a great openness and curiosity. Her competence is particularly evident in her ability to be open to new things and thus able to take up new themes and tendencies and not only integrate them into her teaching, but make them her own. Highly reflective and looking far beyond my own plate, Rosa Luisa's lessons have become for me more a life coaching than just learning a technique for using my own body. I can therefore recommend Rosa Luisa's lessons in all kinds of life situations, no matter what the conditions, problems or goals are.”